South Beach Civic Association

Staten Island, NY


The South Beach Civic Association of Staten Island, NY is a group of neighboring, non-partisan citizens acting together to solve community problems.  We strive to spark discussion and inspire civic achievement in order that everyone may enjoy their homes, families and quality of life.

Board Members:

Joseph McAllister
Vice President:
RoseAnn McAllister
Dianne Romano
Recording Secretary:
Pat Venezia
Sergeant at Arms:
Angela Antonelli
Board of Directors:
Angela Antonelli
Susan Hansen
Roseanne Scully
Jean Tarantino
Patricia Venezia

Every member of the Civic and community play a vital role in the process by bringing new ideas and diverse perspectives to the table.  Through the work of the Civic, members take an active role in bringing about  improved safety to our roads, helping to keep over-development in check, and increasing environmental awareness through recycling and efficient use of energy.

South Beach Civic is proud of its membership, their service to the community and their efforts to support the local businesses and care for public spaces.

South Beach Civic Association meets on Zoom the first Wednesday of each month from September through June at 7:00 PM.

For more information about South Beach Civic Association, please call 718.930.6603 or email

South Beach Civic Association
PO Box 050374