South Beach Civic Association

Staten Island, NY

Great American Smoke Out

smoke out


I am reaching out to you to formally invite you to our Great American Smoke Out Event on November 18, 2017. The 1 mile walk and 5K run is being held at Silver Lake Park in Staten Island at 9:00am. Tobacco-Free Staten Island is hosting this event in effort to encourage smokers to quit on this day or make a plan to quit. The event is quickly approaching and we feel this is going to be a great event and are hoping to have you in attendance. Please see the attached flyer, and distribute as you see fit. Additionally, feel free to contact me with any further questions.

Thank you,

Carissa Mazzeo

RealityCheckLogo15.jpgProgram Assistant


JCC of Staten Island

1466 Manor Road

Staten Island, NY 10314

tel: 718.475.5257

fax: 718.475.5208

Ready Set Quit Race 11_17.jpg