New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) consists of all the State’s major housing and community renewal agencies, including The Affordable Housing Corporation, The Division of Housing and Community Renewal, Housing Finance Agency, State of New York Mortgage Agency, Housing Trust Fund Corporation and others.
Organizing these agencies under a single leadership and management structure has created new efficiencies and allowed for better coordination of the state’s resources. Similar and complimentary programs are now aligned and working together, reducing costs, red tape and duplicative efforts while increasing the effectiveness of the state’s housing and community renewal programs.
HCR organizes programs in a logical manner into four groups – Finance and Development, Housing Preservation, Community Renewal and Professional Services.
Additionally, the office of Professional Services includes all administrative and support services, including Communications, Legal affairs, Administration, Fair Housing, Policy Development, and Accounting and Treasury.
For more information and to visit the website click New York State Homes and Community Renewal link on the left side of your screen.
For those with storm related issues, free legal services may be available. Contact:
Susan Kojusola
Storm Sandy Mediation Team
American Arbitration Association
120 Broadway
New York, NY 10271
Telephone: 855.366.9767