South Beach Civic Association

Staten Island, NY

16th Annual Educational Picnic and Fundraiser: Saturday June 3 11:30-4:30

picnic 2017

I Hope all is well. We are looking forward to sharing a fun filled day with you, your family, and friends. Its pleasing with joy and excitement to know you will be attending the 16th Annual SBCA Educational Picnic Fundraiser and support this year’s honorees. Please see attached poster and reply asap. As usual it is always better than the year before. We will also be having educational tables with valuable information free for your knowledge; On Your Mark, Office of Emergency Management (CERT), the Smoke House from the New York City Fire Dept. and much more. Lots of food, refreshments, entertainment, and great raffles to be won. Looking forward to seeing you again at this fun filled exciting 16th Annual SBCA event. Bring friends and the whole family. Thank you very much for your continuing support for the South Beach Civic Association. Respectfully, President Joseph McAllister.