South Beach Civic Association

Staten Island, NY

Educational Picnic: July 23

Enclosed is the SBCA 20th Educational Picnic Fundraiser Poster Flyer. Look over the poster flyer and Reserve your table or seat Now. We have a maximum capacity limit of 400 people in the Main Ball Room. Tables and seats are being reserved with limited seating left.  Kindly verify as asap.

If you attended past events, I don’t need to inform you of the particulars what is going to happen at this event. For those who have not attended before and this is your first time, WELCOME. You’re going to have a great time Guaranteed. Bring your friends and family. That’s all I need to say!!!

For those who are setting up educational tables, we thank you for your participation. We ask you to kindly work with us and make a donation for this cause. Tables and chairs will be available for your material. Thank you all,

Respectfully President Joseph McAllister, Board and Committee.