South Beach Civic Association

Staten Island, NY

Important Serpentine Ridge Information

 Hi folks, this was written by Jack Bolembach, please read very important.

This message is a follow-up to the previous message below that includes the map, Lots, and brief explanation.

        The link below for the NYS DEC survey of potential preservation sites such as the tree covered unprotected Lots along the Serpentine Ridge.

    Please take a little time to complete the survey and list the Serpentine tree covered unprotected privately owned Lots in your explanation to justify their acquisition under the NYS Environmental Bond Fund. 

   The date to complete and send in the survey is in a few days. Please forward to any friends who may be interested. 

    Thank you very much.

       Below is an aerial map of the tree covered natural landscape along the steep Serpentine Ridge in Zip Code 10304. This community called Stapleton was identified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in their report of May 2022 as an Environmental Justice Community.
      Preservation of any trees within the unique natural hillside landscape is very important for the health and quality of life for residents. Particularly in need of preservation of these woodlands are the elderly and children living in this densely populated disadvantage community.
     Trees can help mitigate air quality problems and reduce high temperatures during summer months.  The variety of wildlife surviving in this natural landscape will benefit. Tompkinsville, Stapleton, and Concord neighborhoods have a large minority population in need of a protected nature preserve. Having access  to a nearby protected ecosystem to experience and enjoy nature is necessary for a densely populated  community.
    The privately owned Lots along the Serpentine Ridge next to Stapleton on Staten Island must be acquired utilizing the Land Conservation part of the NYS Environmental Bond Fund .
     All the following tree covered Lots are privately owned within Block 615.
  The Lot numbers are 75 and 85 owned by a Union the United Welfare .
   Lots 34 and 36 owned by Grymes LLC.
There is also
  Lot 210, Lot 45, Lot 180, Lot 140 and Lot 85.
      All Lots appear on the map below and are within the Special Hillside Preservation District . The hillside is Serpentine rock formed 400 million years ago that contains the mineral Asbestos. It’s a very dangerous carcinogen that can cause lung cancer generally 20 to 30 years later after initial exposure and that’s why children are particularly vulnerable .
     If disturbed during any excavation work for building projects microscopic Asbestos fibers can enter the recesses of children’s lungs causing serious health problems years later.,
    Existing trees not only improve air quality but their roots absorb water from heavy rainstorms reducing the need for expensive sewer and storm water  infrastructure .
       For a multitude of valid reasons the 9 currently  unprotected tree covered properties adjacent or near the Serpentine Arts and Nature Commons must be purchased under the NYS Environmental Bond  Fund. A continuous tree covered 25 acre Nature Preserve can be created in an Environmental Justice Community.
   The NYS DEC criteria for preserving natural landscape in Environmental Justice Community’s is fully satisfied with the acquisition of these 9 privately owned tree covered Lots. Most if not all are inaccessible with no public or private roads  located on steep hillside terrain so their value will not be high.
   Above all the protection of these woodland  properties will greatly benefit the mostly minority population living in Stapleton , Tompkinsville and Concord all identified and listed in the NYS DEC Report from May 2022.
      The elderly and children tend to suffer from higher rates of respiratory diseases in these densely populated Disadvantage Community’s so every tree officially protected will provide a huge health asset for the residents.
    The children from these community’s deserve access to a Nature Preserve close to their residences and schools to experience and enjoy nature.
     This is a perfect opportunity under the NYS Environmental Bond Fund to preserve nature in disadvantage community’s  for present and future generations.  

 Note-   There are two tree covered hillside Lots not shown on this map in Tompkinsville along Homer Street which must be acquired for preservation that will greatly benefit the Environmental Justice Community.

   The NYS DEC survey will be sent out
by e-mail. Please take a little time to complete the survey requesting the unprotected privately owned tree covered Lots along the Serpentine Ridge in Stapleton zip code 10304, be acquired utilizing the NYS Environmental Bond Fund.
    Thanks -this is a very good cause. All you have to do is complete the survey and if possible contact the State elected representatives Senator Spanton, Senator Lanza, Assemblymen Charles Fall, Tannousis and Reilly seeking their support for preservation of the Serpentine unique natural

A map of a neighborhood

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