Please be advised the South Beach Civic Association will be ZOOMING its last meeting for the Calendar Year. Meeting to be Zoomed June 23, 2021 (Tomorrow night) at 7pm. Kindly register on the below zoom link. Special Guest Speaker from N.Y.C. Sanitation Bureau of Community Affairs Liaison Michael Colacurto will inform us of the cleanup, dumping sites reported from past sightings. Questions and answers to follow.
The SBCA 19th Educational Picnic Poster Flyer will be presented, with the information of the event, the 6 Honorees, Sponsors, and Friends of Supporters, available for your convenience to forward to all family and friends. Hope you can attend this great event, note due to the COVID -19, last years events were cancelled. Fortunately, we are already seeing a large turnout of purchasing tickets at this time. Kindley make your reservation asap.
Register now for the ZOOM meeting, see you tomorrow night. Respectfully President Joseph McAllister
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jun 23, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.